DMTBC ‘Gearing UP for the the Future’ Members Pre-Survey
The Denmark Mountain Bike Club with support from the Shire of Denmark and the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries are undertaking some strategic (Futures) planning, with support from external consultants.
Club Members and supporters are invited to provide some initial feedback to help us plan for the future.
The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and all responses are non-identifiable. The survey needs to be completed by 4pm, Saturday 25 Feb, 2023.
Then come along to the first workshop on Monday 27 Feb from 5.30 – 8.00 pm at the Denmark Walpole Football Club, McLean Park, Brazier Street, where the survey results will be discussed and the future directions developed.
A follow up workshop will take place
It’s open to anyone, so Gear up and get involved!
Light supper provided. For catering purposes, please register your attendance online via