September Social Ride : A Dam Fine Ride

September Social Ride : A Dam Fine Ride
September Social Ride : A Dam Fine Ride

On Sunday the 18th September the DMTBC will be holding a social ride extravaganza ending at The Dam, Denmark’s wonderful establishment for eating, drinking and general conviviality.
There will be 4 categories to include all from the very young to the very fit:

The Babycino – a lovely 10km ride along the Nornalup Rail Trail from Ocean Beach Rd (Laing Park) to The Dam. There will be a shuttle to get you and your bikes back afterwards. Starts at 11:00 am.

The other rides all start and end at The Dam.
The Cappuccino – cruisy 20kms starting at 10:30am.
The Long Mac – a little more challenging 40kms starting at 9:00am.
The Long Mac topped up – a longer 65kms to really make you earn your lunch. Starts at 7:30am.

All distances will have guides and maps will be available at the ride briefing.

Lunch afterwards at The Dam and feel free to stay on for the AGM at 1:30pm afterwards.

This is a free event but please RSVP using this form.

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